jueves, 9 de octubre de 2008

FETICHES CON ACNÉ: El fenómeno Crepúsculo

Mi querida muchachada blogotroter:

incorporo a este Blogo Bizarro una nueva sección semanal, Fetiches con acné, un ácido recorrido por la actualidad adolescente en busca de los ídolos, las debilidades, los amuletos, los tótem de los jóvenes y jóvenas de hoy en día. Un apasionante safari por una enrevesada jungla de la que intentaré salir ileso y licon el cutis bien limpio. ¡Señora, entienda mejor a su hijo/a y sucumba de una vez al... TEEN POWER!

Todos los diarios digitales que he consultado coinciden en la misma idea: la escritora Stephenie Meyer va paso de arrebatar a J. K. Rowling el puesto de autora más popular entre los jóvenes y jóvenas, entre adolescentes y adolescentas.

Yo, hasta esta tarde, no he sabido quién es la tal Meyer, y resulta que ya ha publicado cuatro libros cuyas ventas se han traducido en una piscina de billetes que nada tiene que envidiar a la de la creadora del mago con dioptrías. El primero de ellos alcanzó el puesto 5 en la lista de best-sellers del New York Times y fue elegido libro del año por Publishers Weekly. ¡Atienda, señora: Meyer es la nueva adalid del super-ventas juvenil! Claro que su modus operandi no ha trascendido la vulgaridad de los best-sellers actuales, porque lo que esta mormona cuarentona fanática de la música de Muse nos ofrece es una rica ración de saga, la Saga Crepúsculo, formada por los títulos Crepúsculo, Luna nueva, Eclipse y Amanecer. Mediante una sabia y eficaz fórmula concentrada a base de romance adolescente y terror revienta-acnés, esta novela seriada cuenta las aventuras de Isabella Swan 'Bella', una chica normal y corriente que se enamora de un sedcutor vampiro, Edward Cullen. Échele guindas al pavo...

Ayer por la tarde fui a la FNAC; claro, yo no sabía nada de todo esto de la Meyer y me dí de bruces con un fenómeno que no logré entender. Lo primero que me desconcertó fueron unas tiras color granate que formaban una cortinilla en la entrada a la cuarta planta del edificio. Era demasiado temprano para los adornos navideños, pensé, e inmediantamente, como si esperara la explosión de una granada a 15 metros de mí, me tapé los oídos y cerré con fuerza los ojos temiendo escuchar algún villancico. Por suerte, no oí ninguna vocecilla aflautada dispuesta a perforarme el tímpano con su tonto pero feliz cántico.

Atravesé el visillo rojo violado después de que lo hiciera con desgana un hombre canoso de traje, corbata y zapatos brillantes como un excremento descompuesto y tornasolado por la luz amarilla del inodoro de tus vecinos. Al otro lado había algo parecido a eso que los anglosajones llaman stand, donde se había apilado un buen puñado de libros con un -a priori- esperanzador título: Amanecer. En la portada: un tablero de ajedrez con una reina blanca en primer plano y un peón rojo en el fondo. Pensé que se trataba de una publicación reciente y muy esperada. Me acerqué a aquel stand y ojeé un ejemplar. Después tomé el primer libro de la saga, Crepúsculo, y leí la contraportada:

"Hay tres cosas de las que estoy completamente segura: primera, Edward es un vampiro. Segunda, una parte de él se muere por beber mi sangre. Y tercera, estoy total y perdidamente enamorada de él".

Empezaba a saber por dónde iban los tiros... pero no pude reflexionar mucho más sobre aquellas palabras pues en ese momento una tromba de gritos y suspiros adolescentes rompió la aparente calma de la cuarta planta. El escándalo se acercaba por las escaleras mecánicas. De pronto, unas quince o veinte quinceañeras se avalanzaron emocionadas hacia las pilas de ejemplares de Amanecer. Sin apartar la vista de aquel alborozado grupúsculo, retrocedí tres pasos sin poder barrer la estupefacción de mi rostro.

Aquellas chicas, varias de ellas vestidas con prendas negras y motivos góticos, comenzaron a devorar con avidez los primeros renglones de tan esperado libro. ¡Algunas se echaban fotos en el stand! ¡Otras acunaban en sus regazos pilas de tres y cuatro ejemplares! Incapaz de apartar la vista de aquel panorama. De pronto me sentí como un abuelo de noventa años que no logra entender lo que sucede a su alrededor. Era obvio que Amanecer se ponía a la venta aquel día. ¡Qué emoción! ¡Qué expectación! Si hasta los dependientes de la FNAC lucían macabros gadgets: un hilillo de sangre chorreando desde las comisuras de los labios, dentaduras con afilados colmillos... Además, se organizaron distintas actividades relacionadas con la obra de Meyer: un trivial, concurso de disfraces...

El éxito es rotundo: millones de lectores en todo el mundo, páginas webs, comunidades de fans y una película que verá la luz en diciembre y que contará con Robert Pattinson -Edward Cullen- y Kristin Stewart -Bella-.

Señora, ha triunfado de nuevo el... ¡TEEN POWER!

Crepúsculo, Luna nueva, Eclipse y Amanecer están editados en España por Alfaguara.

Entrevista con Stephenie Meyer (subtítulos en castellano)

Emoción entre los fans ante la publicación de Amanecer

Trailer de la película Twilight (Amanecer) (V. O.)

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carolus dijo...


¿Qué es esto? - me pregunto mientras procedo a la limpieza dominical. Ayer me asustaste; hoy, mucho más...

Un abrazo,

J. R. Bizarro dijo...

me alegra saber que hay feedback con la muchachada blogotroter! don't be afraid, dear carolus, jejejej... es sólo un viaje irónico y freaky por el extraño mundo adolescente... teen power! ajajaja...
sobre el anterior post: agua pasada.
un abrazo.

princesa amnesia dijo...

oh my god

Anónimo dijo...


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The relative complexities of women's and men's style

Both women and men may have the demands of keeping their clothing up-to-date and in season, yet men's fashion often seems a lot less difficult. Of program, for both sexes, clothes and fashion options can be equally as elaborate, and there are several'trendy'items which can easily become fashion faux pas - who can say they frequently see people walking around in 70s flames? On the other side, men's style features a few staple items which will exist forever - which man is planning to watch out of position with a good-quality, tailored suit, for instance? Pick basic cuts, colours and fabrics and you'll never seem out-of-place.

Why traditional men's style is amazing

The common man's suit has hardly changed for over a hundred years. True, there are many types for different situations, but they are all common in their search for a wise, sharp search for the wearer. The neat thing about common style for men is that it is simply fashionable effortlessly neat. A well-groomed man will typically look his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this is a testament to the design of such clothing. A suit will undoubtedly be used to work in several occupations because of the professional look it affords to the individual, instilling a feeling of respect and confidence. Equally a suit will be utilized to several social situations, like a tuxedo to a black-tie affair. This extraordinary versatility which allows suits to be used in virtually all situations is what gives it its eternal advantage and a lasting devote men's fashion.

Modern movements in traditional men's fashion

Though basic men's designs can never be replaced, it is interesting to remember that shifts in men's fashion trends have produced particular common garments back in fashion. The recognition of vintage clothing, specifically, has taken back a wide-variety of common styles into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy gentleman. 'Dandy'is a term used to reference men who clothe themselves in a classic yet lavish way, working in a refined manner and placing importance on appearance. This trend for almost'over-the-top'common fashion for men is evident from events like the'Tweed Run', where men and women of all ages dress in significantly Victorian-style clothing and take to the roads on vintage bikes - with lots of the men wearing remarkable mustaches! That is just one single of many examples of data exhibiting the resurrection of such types. There are also numerous blogs on the web which concentrate on gentlemanly style - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as entire websites such as'The Art of Manliness'focused on giving articles on common men's fashion and grooming.

In summary, whilst specific issues with basic men's fashion could be brought back as new styles, the essential garments that they are based on will never fall out of fashion.

"All it will take really are a few simple clothes. And there's one secret - the easier the better." - Cary Grant

StyleGun is an online men's fashion shop with a specialized perspective.
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If you are a homeowner with grim credit, here are five tips, from A to E, that could assistant you country a $50,000 disobedient esteem personal allowance from non-bank lenders. It may have all the hallmarks like a petrifying amount, but there are lenders to help you with your monetary solution.

NOTIFY A: Using Non-Traditional Lenders

Keep away from away from the traditional hunk and mortar pecuniary institutions such as banks and credit unions. They comprise tightened their creditation standards and are not like to adaptable to to wicked credence borrowers straight if the borrower is a homeowner. Your win out over chance is to aim off the record lenders who father stepped in to cram the void. These lenders most of the time effort online, or on the internet. Profuse folks have disobedient credit scores; banks resolution not lend to them; privileged lenders will. There are plenty of them, but more on that later.

GRATUITY B: Checking Lenders

Earlier you take a piss applying as a service to loans, you dire to check each awaited lender. Bump into uncover at least five. Your earliest degree should be to stay each with the online records of the Cured Vocation Bureau. You last will and testament perceive BBB ratings and even patron feedback notwithstanding the vocation and how they were treated. Settle upon lenders with a register of B or above. You could also into online borrower forums to come up with loans and businesses and how users dealt with them.

TIP C: Pronouncement the Above-board Accommodation

If you do not fancy to around make clear your shelter up as collateral, you will be searching for an unsecured cross credit loan. These may be a little harder to immovable, particularly in amounts heavens $10,000. If putting your accommodations up is no poser, you last wishes as be searching quest of a secured awful probity bodily loan. With your dwelling-place as collateral, your advance amount could question reach $10,000 or more. The downside? If you non-fulfilment on your loan you could expend your home.

TIP-OFF D: Getting a Co-Signer

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To really thicken your chances of landing a substantial rotten tribute personal allowance, have a co-signer. If your co-signer has a better upon incise than yourself and has a tolerable takings, your chances of dock the loan are increased substantially. Lenders will also be looking at your straitened to proceeds proportion, as amply as your cosigners. They scarceness to look upon that you experience satisfactorily return leftist over every month to make loan payments.

LAGNIAPPE E: Shopping Smartly

You will be surprised how diverse lenders you resolve assign on the internet. Just headland your browser to: Actual Loan. Scores of lenders will bulge up. You intent be masterful to betray to each them, choosing those with the lowest rates and the most easy repayment terms. You would realize a ingenious pull up stakes not later than pulling up whole of the unasked for online lend calculators to individual compute costs including interest rates, fees, etc.

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To enact the Norton setup, select the Activate Now option at the base. To recharge the membership for Norton, select the Help choice and snap on Enter item key.www.norton.com/setup Cautiously type the right Norton item key in the clear. Snap on the Next catch.Go through with for more details.

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Kashish dijo...

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Kashish dijo...

Go to www.webroot.com/safe website and click on online activation of webroot subscription. Enter 20 character Key code with out hyphen.

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Kashish dijo...

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Surbhi Sharma dijo...

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Surbhi Sharma dijo...

Norton Antivirus is a kind of software program that protects your computer and stops viruses, spyware, norton.com/setup worms and Trojan horses from computer.

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Norton offers different type of security suites that consists different features and protects your systems differently. norton.com/setup If you are a Norton user and you want to subscribe the plan then go with the process.

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Microsoft Office has numerous projects like MS Word, Excel, Outlook, and so forth. office.com/setup In the wake of finishing the downloading procedure of MS Office, experience the means given beneath and download it on your gadget

Surbhi Sharma dijo...

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Much obliged to you for picking Webroot web security. webroot.com/safe You're nearly secured! Essentially complete the accompanying strides beneath to finish your introduce.

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McAfee helps organizations orchestrate a truly integrated cyber environment that simultaneously protects, identifies and enhances security threats. For consumers, mcafee.com/activate McAfee protects your device at home and abroad from viruses, malware and other threats.

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Presently your norton retail card has been reclaimed and you can introduce the norton item and run the setup.Firstly go to download option and follow the directions. norton.com/setup will provide you easy and simple way for download, install and activation process.

Surbhi Sharma dijo...

Webroot Product Key Code & Webroot Serial Key for Activation webroot.com/safe activation is one of the most important and powerful applications which mainly designs to tackle harmful malware and help to secure information

Surbhi Sharma dijo...

Norton AntiVirus is an anti-virus and anti-malware software product, developed and distributed by Symantec Corporation since 1991 as part of its Norton family of computer security products. norton.com/setup It uses signatures and heuristics to identify viruses.

Surbhi Sharma dijo...

System Mechanic is the essential PC performance package that helps you automatically fix and speed up your PC. System Mechanic is the most effective way to restore and maintain maximum PC speed and stability.To install the most current version of system mechanic Ultimate Defense, download the System Mechanic download manager via your internet

Surbhi Sharma dijo...

Download and introduce your Office applications on your work area for your requirement. Incorporates a free preliminary of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and more Install Office on your cell phone, office.com/setup and set up Outlook to work with your new Office 365 letter drop

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Hulu supports a wide variety of devices that you can use to stream with us. You can activate any of them at any time, hulu.com/activate as well as remove them from your account

Surbhi Sharma dijo...

McAfee antivirus works as a shield of device. It protect against virus, malware, online threats etc. You can easily download, install and activate McAfee products through mcafee.com/activate When you will go with this link, you can follow the process of downloading, installing and activating McAfee with activation code

Surbhi Sharma dijo...

Microsoft Office install has required the removal of the previously installed version of your Office product on the device or system. Office 365 and other subscription offers the various features, which you do not get when you do not purchase the Office product. office.com/setup The office can be used free, as Microsoft provides the trial versions of every tool. visit

Surbhi Sharma dijo...

Stream hundreds of hit movies, TV shows and more on the go with The Roku Channel, roku.com/link use it as a second remote, enjoy private listening, and more.

Surbhi Sharma dijo...

For extra help setting up your Roku gadget, roku.com/link visit the Setup and Troubleshooting area of the Roku activation. Complete the on-screen guidelines to associate your Roku gadget to the web.

Surbhi Sharma dijo...

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Surbhi Sharma dijo...

Download Norton Mobile Security and Antivirus application that can shield your records from getting norton.com/setup affected from any online malware or contamination norton setup product key.

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Windows or Mac computers: Go to 123.hp.com/setup and follow the instructions to install and set up the printer for your connection type. note: If you connect the printer USB cable to a Windows computer instead of setting up the connection with the HP driver, in most cases the operating system automatically detects the printer and installs a 'built-in' driver for basic functionality.

Surbhi Sharma dijo...

Mcafee offers you the McAfee activate option to give best Home network protection, Multi-device protection, mcafee.com/activate Web Protection, and Identity Theft.

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Roku gives the least complex approach to stream stimulation to your TV. On your terms. roku.com/link With a large number of accessible channels to look over.

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Surbhi Sharma dijo...

Mcafee Product Activation web based utilizing the web is simple. Go to the official site and buy it. Spare it, run it and go through some simple guidance and concur every one of the arrangements. mcafee.com/activate
When you open, it demonstrates an alarm about Activation. Dynamic mcafee online item key on the web. An item key is of 25-characters and it

Surbhi Sharma dijo...

Norton Antivirus is an authorize program by ICSA Labs. norton.com/setup Norton 360 download These Laboratories set up the prerequisites to be actualized for the similarity of business security items.

Yashasvi dijo...

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Yashasvi dijo...

Webroot SecureAnywhere AntiVirus is a powerful antivirus that has been created to fight against malwares and other threats. Visit: webroot.com/safe for installing webroot.

Yashasvi dijo...

If you need someone to assist you with webroot.com/safe installation then contact the Webroot technical team at to get best and quick support.

Yashasvi dijo...

If you want to activate the Hulu, hulu.com/activate you need to follow the instructions given below. Make use of the and Streaming Channel option.

Yashasvi dijo...

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Download, install and activate your Webroot product. Visit and enter webroot.com/safe the activation code to protect your devices.

Yashasvi dijo...

Go to Roku page record association code appeared on Roku TV. roku.com/link My Roku com associate not working use new Roku code.

Yashasvi dijo...

Norton offers support to install the software on the computer same way we, visit here norton.com/setup at superb support offers premium services to support the user to install Norton and other antivirus programs and other computer related issues.

Yashasvi dijo...

Get your office.com/setup from Ms office is a new sensation in the market that left every body awestruck with its best products.

Yashasvi dijo...

Install 123 HP Printer Driver, Software Downloads How to install a local printer in computer or mobile devices. www.123.hp.com setup  Hit a Start button in your computing devices and click a control panel on a Start menu.visit here.

Yashasvi dijo...

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Yashasvi dijo...

Download and install avg ultimate by visiting & use avg.com/retail to activate avg. Steps to install avg with license number

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Watch TV shows and movies online. Stream TV episodes of South Park, hulu.com/activate Empire, SNL, Modern Family and popular movies on your favorite devices. from start your hulu now

Yashasvi dijo...

Download and install and office setup from log in and enter office 25 digit product key to activate your office product. office.com/myaccount if you are new user then you need to create a office account to get more benefits of office 365 subscription.

Yashasvi dijo...

Download McAfee from and mcafee.com/activate install. after installation, you can follow steps for McAfee product download with activation code menu to activate McAfee.

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Being worldwide antivirus avg.com/retail products can activate through It provides some useful products that you can use according to your requirements

Yashasvi dijo...

Windows or Mac computers: Go to and follow the instructions to install and set up the printer for your connection type. note: www.123.hp.com setup  If you connect the printer USB cable to a Windows computer instead of setting up the connection with the HP driver, in most cases the operating system automatically detects the printer and installs a 'built-in' driver for basic functionality.

Yashasvi dijo...

Mcafee Antivirus is widely used antivirus helps to detect and neutralize computer virus, the mail worms,the trojan programs. mcafee.com/activate Just go to sign up and choose mcafee product which you want to buy and activate it, that will also helps your system free of virus and other malware is quite a daily challenge.

Yashasvi dijo...

If your purchase of Office came with a product key, you enter your product key on one of the websites listed below for your version of Office. office.com/setup After you enter your key, you can download and install Office, through or you can renew your Office 365 subscription.

Yashasvi dijo...

Visit to roku.com/link and activate your roku device on Tv.Contact for Support if facing any problem.

Yashasvi dijo...

Your Apple ID is the way in to all Apple items, for example, iTunes, iCloud, and that's just the beginning. Regardless of whether you depend on it for your own utilization or business, overlooking it is a significant obstacle that can carry your profitability to end. For more information visit apple.com/recover now.

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Apple products can assist you in recovering lost, deleted, corrupt or damaged files from your MacBook, iPhone, iPad, iPod, or any other Apple device. Our specialists recover lost messages, pictures, contacts, music and files from Apple devices. For support contact us by clicking apple.com/recover on to the link.

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Mac ID is a confirmation strategy utilized by Apple for iPhone, iPad, Mac and other Apple gadgets. Apple IDs contain client individual data and settings.Manage your record settings, apple ID track requests and returns, and check your gift voucher offset with your Apple account.

Yashasvi dijo...

McAfee offers premium quality cybersecurity services for businesses and individuals. The Complete package of the mcafee.com/activate can be downloaded from Install mcafee product without any hassle. We provide best installation service.

Yashasvi dijo...

Click on to download your Webroot antivirus product and also get Webroot Installation. webroot.com/safe offer complete protection of sensitive files across all your devices that include all kinds of IOS devices, OS devices as well as Android devices.

Yashasvi dijo...

Download Norton Mobile Security and Antivirus application that can shield your records from getting affected from any online malware or contamination norton setup product key. norton.com/setup offers high-grade sophisticated protection for multiple devices such as computers, Mac, iPhone, tablets, Android devices, etc.

Yashasvi dijo...

All Roku devices provide easy access to free TV, live news, sports, movies, and more, so you can be confident that you would not miss a thing.Visit to enter Roku activation code and activate your roku.com/link on Tv.Contact for Support if facing any problem